Life money reddit

23 of the funniest and not entirely serious money-saving tips from ‘Frugal Jerk’ on Reddit

We live in troubled times, as no-one anywhere needs reminding.

And with the cost of living crisis going nowhere fast, many people are doing their bit to save a bit of cash. Our favourite is only boiling one cup of water when we only want one cup of tea.

That’s a sensible change (we hope). Unlike this selection of money-saving moments from the corner of Reddit called ‘frugal jerk’ which describes itself thus.

‘We, the proud few who stand on the cutting edge of frugality. We hold our heads high as we steal toilet paper, shoplift lentils, reuse condoms, syringes, and drink our own piss to save multiple dollars each year.’

And if it’s not immediately clear what that entails, it soon will be.

1. ‘How to furnish a home’


2. ‘It’s the thought that counts ‘


3. ‘Saved me millions!’


4. ‘How to get absolutely HAMMERED (in a frugal manner)’


5. ‘How to get free grapes’


6. ‘Save a fortune in Christmas presents’


7. ‘Peel all produce before weighing to save $$$ at the grocery store’


8. ‘Fellers I’m set for life! I found a beverage with infinite servings therefore infinite calories’


9. ‘Saving money at Christmas’


10. ‘When the machines try to take over …’




12. ‘Abandoned $3 water at a concert and all I have to do is rinse off the urine’
