Politics government

A petition calling for a general election has almost 1.8 million signatures and a cat in Hell’s chance of achieving its goal – 24 eye rolls

In the wake of dissatisfaction over plans to increase inheritance tax and employers’ NI contributions, a petition calling for a general election in the UK, less than five months after the last one, has gained almost 1.8 million, signatures at the time of writing.

I would like there to be another General Election.

I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.

Showing a count of 1,794,070 signatures

The petition, started by pub owner Michael Weswood, had already reached a million signatures after a day.

It was given a boost by Elon Musk, who quoted several posts about the petition, making inflammatory remarks like this.

The people of Britain have had enough of a tyrannical police state

Here’s a snapshot of some of the other real people supporting the petition, to give a sense of its agenda.

Nigel Farage tweet. This petition has already reached 750,000 signatures in 24 hours. 

It won’t be long before it passes 1 million.

I’ve never seen anything like it.

Daniel Hannan
I have signed.
So many things for which Labour has no mandate.
Farm tax
Chagos surrender
Woke national curriculum
National Insurance hike
Drilling ban
Bigger civil service
Four-day week

Let’s make this the biggest petition ever in UK

Sign share and spread the word

Joey Barton
If you think 
 have lied about what they said they would deliver to the people if elected, let them know by signing and sharing this petition.

And here’s where some of the people who have signed are actually based.

As it has passed a million signatures, the subject will be considered for debate in Parliament, which will go something like this –


It very much reminded people of another petition that did quite well for signatures.

Revoke article 50 amd remain in the EU. 6,103,056 signatures

And, as everybody knows, the UK revoked Article 50 and remained in the EU. Oh, wait!











