Social Media conspiracy theorists
A rapper got dissed into the next decade after sharing his laughably bad flat-Earth ‘proof’
We could totally understand the Flat Earth movement if it weren’t for stuff like video footage of the spherical Earth, taken from space, but some people are convinced we live on a flat planet with edges.
Rapper B.o.B was convinced he’d spotted absolute proof of a flat Earth, but the exchange ended up in the r/murderedbywords page on Reddit – which is never a good outcome.
B.o.B’s burn attracted a lot of reactions, so here are just a carefully selected few.
I can’t believe that people actually believe in flat Earth stuff … it’s like … they think it’s funny to be dumb or something.
I don’t think people really understand just how big the earth is and how small our perspective is in comparison. It’s not super mario galaxy ffs.
If the earth was flat, he would see the skyline of Huntsville, Birmingham and Chattanooga back behind Atlanta in the distance. There’s your curve dum dum.
How do flat earthers explain there being a horizon, or why getting higher lets you see further even when its an open field with no obstacles? Its not like you can came your eye get better depending upon how far from sealevel you are.
Can someone just give them a peep on a telescope and get this taken care of?
Redditor MikeDarsh had a point to make about the original post.
Lol those two “cities” are both Atlanta and not 16 miles apart. The left is midtown and the right is Buckhead which are about five miles apart.
Science strikes again.
Someone gave this flat earther a rocket and it’s the perfect comeback