‘What’s the craziest thing that has happened at your work Christmas party?’ – 23 NSFW festive sackable offences
The work Christmas party is always a double-edged sword. On the one hand you’re plied with free booze and encouraged encouraged to let loose, on the other your line manager is there and if you get plastered and tell them how much you hate them, you might suddenly end up with a lot of spare time and no money to buy presents.
But, however badly you think you’ve behaved, it could be a lot worse. Redditor HeavilyDisappointed asked the following question:
‘What’s the craziest thing that has happened at your work Christmas party?’
And the answers will have you thanking your lucky stars that you never did anything quite so awful (or at least you never got caught!).
‘The boss and an employee snuck off to the bathroom, while in there broke the handicap rail off the wall. Boss’s wife showed up, went into the bathroom to compose herself after hearing what had just transpired, then proceeded to run out of the bathroom with said hand rail and chase the boss around the sales floor with it. 10/10 party.’
‘The assistant manager had a few and she did a strip tease to the Shrek soundtrack.’
‘One year the owner punched one of the salesmen in the face in the middle of the party and they both rolled around on the floor fighting for a good minute. Most holiday parties are boring but this one was fun.’
‘More than a decade ago there was a rumour that two of my coworkers hooked up in a bathroom. Regardless of whether that was true or not, the joke was on all of us because they later got married and had two wonderful children.’
‘Sales guy brought a girl he met on Tinder. First date, never met her before. The party was at a pretty nice venue. She got absolutely wasted, threw up all over the bathroom, and had to be carried out of the venue.’
‘I met my future boss while photocopying my ass. Said boss later made out with intern. Someone else broke the photocopier while copying their own ass and was badly cut.’
‘Worked with a gay guy who thought it was acceptable to grab women’s breasts when drinking and joking, my wife (then girlfriend) warned him once, and the second time he tried she throat chopped him. That was the only time we hung out with him.’
‘Old job about 15 years ago someone took a shit in the bosses office in the garbage can.’
‘One of the company executives ending up kissing a member of his sales team. While he was kissing her, another woman who was also in his team, grabbed the girl off of him (because she clearly liked him even though she had a boyfriend) and they had a fight in the middle of the dance floor.
‘The next day none of them were in the office. The girl who started the fight was told she either had to resign or be fired. She opted to resign out of embarrassment.’
‘I used to work for a very large heavy metal record label, and let me tell you, some of those parties became the stuff of legend. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but one of the stories that always got told was about how two people got super hammered, and decided they wanted to have sex.
‘And where did they decide to do it? On the president of the company’s desk. At one point he walked in, saw what was happening, then turned right back around and left the room. His only comment was: ‘Make sure you turn the lights off’.’
‘The boss and a workmate (both very drunk) both decided it would be fine to get in a car with an also very drunk woman who they’d literally just met, who somehow decided she was fine to drive and they crashed 5 mins down the road. Thankfully, even though I was also very drunk, I could clearly see how fucking idiotic this was and got in a cab. They were all fine, miraculously.’