Twitter Andrew tate

Andrew Tate’s house suffered a power cut and of all the totally on-point comebacks, this one really warmed our cockles

Unconfirmed reports from Romania, where you’ll probably know that Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan are under house arrest, suggest the brothers have suffered a power cut.

Tristan Tate appeared to suggest the brothers were being singled out by the Romanian authorities, although the tweet in which he said this now appears to have been deleted.

And as many people have pointed out, power cuts are not exactly uncommon.

Whatever the truth it prompted lots of response, like anything to do with Andrew Tate has a tendency to do.

But the very best response – and not for the first time – came from all kinds of amazing menswear expert, Derek Guy.


And just to reinforce the point, remember this from @dieworkwear just a little while ago.

Double oof.


Laura Kuenssberg just won interviewer of the year and of all the A++ comebacks, this one knocked the rest out of the park

Source @dieworkwear @jacksonhinklle