‘What everyday meal would you still eat if you were a billionaire?’ – 19 menu items even the rich couldn’t resist
What would you do with a billion pounds? Buy a mega yacht? Splash out on a mansion or two? Maybe even start collecting Warhammer if you’re feeling particularly flush?
Regardless, it’s likely that your diet would likely get a massive upgrade as your own personal chefs whip up your meals.
However there are some cheap as chips menu items that it appears people couldn’t resist even if they were billionaires. And we know that because Redditor Sorceress683 asked…
‘What poor meal would you still eat if you were a billionaire?’
And this is what the people of r/AskReddit came up with:
‘Pizza. Just the regular greasy dollar slice variety.’
‘Grilled cheese.’
‘Ramen noodles. They’re cheap, quick, and honestly still slap when you’re craving comfort food. Add an egg and some hot sauce, and it’s a gourmet experience no matter your bank account.’
‘Breakfast for dinner. Eggs, sausage, and toast.’
‘Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Never gets old.’
‘Kraft’s mac and cheese.’
‘Boiled potatoes and butter don’t care if I am rich or poor, that is my go to snack.’
‘Spaghetti and meatballs. Just a classic that reminds me of family dinners growing up.’
‘Toast. If you have butter or something to slap on top even better, but a few pieces of toast usually satisfies my hunger for a decent amount of time.’