US customers entitled funny

This manager’s A++ handling of an especially entitled customer was already good – and then comes the payoff

We’ve featured lots of outrageously entitled people on these pages before, but we’re not sure we’ve ever seen one dealt with quite so comprehensively as this.

It’s a woman who wasn’t happy she’d been served the wrong fries – we can imagine that would be irritating – but the way she goes about it isn’t exactly (at all) the way we would have handled it.

And the manager’s response was already good straight off the get go – but the payoff is simply epic!

Icing on the cake (or cheese on the fries, if you prefer).

And here is just a little bit of the love it generated.

There were a few people who had there doubts over whether it was entirely spontaneous …

And it turned out they weren’t wrong (you can find more – much more – of this sort of thing over at @leogonzall on TikTok).

… but either way it made us smile.


Bill Burr’s takedown of internet keyboard warriors everywhere was simply magnificently done and it’s an essential 3 minute watch

Source @SouthernUSA1