Life money work

The seventh of this Canadian news outlet’s 7 top tips to make your money go further had people hollering into next year

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time – or did it? – after Canadian news outlet CTV News came up with seven top tips to help your money go further. Specifically, this.

And it turned out it was so misjudged – so misjudged – that they actually deleted it.

Fortunately they did, and it was the seventh of the top tips that really got people’s attention. Because … look.

Surely not!

Just in the interests of balance and all that, there were some people suggesting it’s actually not such a stupid suggestion.

But isn’t the second bit the people the article is aimed at? I guess, since it’s been deleted, we might never know.

And cancel their Netflix and they’ll be able to afford their first home, right?


Bill Burr’s takedown of internet keyboard warriors everywhere was simply magnificently done and it’s an essential 3 minute watch

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