
Poke Challenge: Geek Chat-up Lines

It’s Geek Week on The Poke and we’re nerding-up our challenges. Today it’s Geek Chat Up Lines.  Geek lotharios of the world – here’s your ammunition…

A shiny, new copy of The Big Bang Theory (series 6) DVD will be winging its way to today’s winner – @rimjeeves.

Go out with me you will?

You look loosely coupled… Come here and let me inject my dependency.
– @DotNetDave82

Roses are #ed2e38
Violets are #620D8C
I want to rip off your Pantones
And have Hex with you.
– @1970RobD

Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.

“hey baby, are you a particle accelerator? Because you’re giving me a hadron”
– @firecrestgas

“Do you quantum meet up sometime?”
– @Twitflup

You look full of Carbon-14, I can see myself dating you.
– @mikepatterson11

I just met you, and this is mad, hey, but here’s my number (0112358132134), I’m Fibonacci.
– @rimjeeves

Do you have eleven protons? Cause you’re Sodium fine!
– @mikepatterson11

I bet you’ve got a great. I’d really love to give you
– @BertSwattermain

‘I was hoping you wouldn’t block my pop-up..’
– @YousOfficial

In space no-one can hear you scream… but I’m up for the challenge.
– @zanPHEE

Wow! Has China’s National University of Defense Technology lost a Tianhe-2?
– @BenedictFarse

Did you know the chemical formula for Chloroform is CHCl3? Oh, it’s worked already.
– @scottywrotem

Hey baby I know HTML & CSS (how to meet ladies) & (countless sex styles
– @Maoze775

Hey, do you know how much a Hoth Wampa weighs? Enough to break the ice. Hi, I’m Russell.
– @rustyhancox

Hey girl you’re just like minus one, because when I root you it gets complex.
– @QuantumPirate

Hey baby I know HTML & CSS (how to meet ladies) & (countless sex styles)
– @Maoze775

Previous entries;

My name’s Microsoft… Can I crash at your place tonight?

“Is that the BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105 Black with BlueTooth in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

Hey baby, I’d love to see your MAC address on my subnet.

I’ve seen you somewhere before. Haven’t we met in Second Life?

Tonight’s the night when 10 become 1

I think my heart just lagged

Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF, no girl in the world > you

Get your coat love, I just checked the weather on my Iphone and its a bit cold

Hey baby I bet you Excel between the spreadsheet

Hey, are you a neutrino? Because there’s no charge for your next drink

Get your coat, your coming with me

Your eyes are like organs that detect light, and convert it to electro-chemical impulses in neurons

If I FlickR your YOUTUBE, will you Twitter my Yahoo?

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who can read binary and those who can’t

As a cartoon you’d definitely run a close second with Leila from Futurama

Hi gorgeous, you remind me of my motherboard, want to grab a byte?

Nice apps!

Any chance of your expansion slot accepting a plug-in?

Shall we go for a SQL love, I’ve got a bit more to download before I log off.

Oops, that’s never happened to me before. Abort, Resume or Try Again?

Are you a thief? You’ve illegally downloaded my heart.

You turn my software to hardware.

You’re as sweet as 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971

Are you tired? Because you’ve been running virus checks through my dreams all night

You had me at Halo

Would you like to shutdown, hibernate or sleep together?

I’d like to establish a peer to peer connection with your open port

Grab your collector’s edition Imperial Stormtrooper costume, you’ve pulled

Hi, I’m from the future, and our wedding was amazing

The more I see you, the more I like you. We should test if, just this once, correlation proves causation

You remind me of the woman who appears at 6mins 20secs in the seventh episode of Deep Space Nine season 2.

I’m 26, and you’re 24 and 22. A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. Let’s factor.

You’re like pressing F5…Refreshing.

Did it hurt when you fell from Proxima Centauri?

How can I know a hundred digits of Pi and not the 7 digits of your phone number?

Did you hurt yourself when you fell from the stars, at a constant velocity of 10m/s?

SIN with me honey COS I like your TAN and want to put my LOG in your π.

Nice IP address, it would look great on my bedroom floor.