
Leaked Doctor Who Scripts Anger Fans Two Months Early

TV News: Doctor Who fans have been angered a full two months ahead of schedule, after five scripts for the new series have been leaked online.


“The whole thing is just so unfair to Whovians around the world,” said one livid fan who had read the leaked scripts.

“I was completely unprepared to be angry right now. It’s been really nice weather recently and I’ve been enjoying Wimbledon and the World Cup, so I’m probably not as furious as I would be if I had some serious time to prepare. I feel cheated.”

“It’s just so upsetting for me,” said another stunned fan. “I planned to tweet some sarcastic comments when the episodes air at the end of August. Now everyone will think I spent months writing and fine-tuning my witty internet quips.”

“We deeply regret this incident and apologise to all the show’s fans,” said a spokesman from BBC Worldwide. “Particularly those fans who felt compelled to read the leaked scripts in order to spoil them now, instead of reading spoilers later on the internet.”