14 photos that prove the importance of choosing the right font
Jamie Jones
Jamie Jones
14 photos that prove the importance of choosing the right font
The 25 most wholesome tweets of the year
The 25 most painfully British things to have happened in 2020
This supermarket joke is surely a contender for pun of the year
Everyone noticed that the aerial shot of stranded lorries in Dover looks eerily similar to an iconic movie scene
Just 14 incredibly dark twists on Enid Blyton books
17 hilarious examples of graffiti you’d only find in Britain
The 50 most important dog tweets of the year
This gingerbread trolley problem is the perfect festive food for 2020
These observations from a Muslim man celebrating his first Christmas went viral because they’re so brilliantly accurate
A man turned his girlfriend’s sleep talking into artistic poems and it’s a stroke of Pulitzer Prize worthy genius
The 50 most important cat tweets of the year
12 times the customer was very, very wrong
14 scathing responses to Congress’s proposed $600 stimulus checks
The 25 funniest tweets of the week