A tweet of an embarrassing but hilarious prank Christmas card has gone viral
A tweet of an embarrassing but hilarious prank Christmas card has gone viral
The perfect Christmas tree for cat owners
The only 12 funny secret Santa tweets you need to read
This school run report hilariously mirrors the 12 Days of Christmas
This Instagram account shows what happens when you cross the queen with Donald Trump
These Venn diagrams may not be correct, but they’re very funny
This rap about Microsoft Word must be the cringiest video you’ll see today
See why this expert schooling of a climate change denier has gone viral on Twitter
People have shared how 2016 has affected them: the 13 most devastating tweets
This family have won Christmas with their creepy faceswap portrait
Listen to Ozzy Man’s sweary review of traffic chaos in snowy Quebec
See what Nigel Farage was doodling while he was on Question Time
This single woman’s Christmas cards are a thing of beauty
This imprint of Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ features Mr. T. on the cover and a hilarious blurb
Looks like this dog has found a portal