Someone has found the full photo story of the “distracted boyfriend”
Someone has trolled 4chan into drinking onion juice to be more “manly”
Man dresses as Deputy leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson, for “fancy dress”
This terrible bit of design will change how you read “artisanal” forever
This diagram is the most accurate information about a computer you’ll ever read
9 bits of wholesome graffiti written by good people who just want to make your day better
Staff at London Underground have come up with a way to beat sadness – try it and see if it works on you
What you should do vs what you actually do – this chart about anxiety is 100% accurate
Meet the “Croydon Wizard” – a man who dresses as Gandalf and gets onto public transport using a wand
This woman’s partner is asking her to file bug reports to get the TV to work
This Southern Rail life hack changes everything
When dad cleans your Girls World doll with white spirit and the face comes off
This Instagram life hack suggests putting M&Ms inside a condom and we don’t know anything anymore
There’s a wild conspiracy theory on social media that The Queen has been dead since 2016
This guy is asking if he did “something to offend the wedding photographer”
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