“So my girlfriend just discovered I own a Label Maker… within minutes, this happened”
“From left: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Linkedin”
This Twitter feed is brilliantly taking the piss out of all those crap nostalgia accounts
Why subeditors are important
This one tweet is the perfect simile for Brexit and we can’t stop thinking about it
Angry journalist hides obscene message to the BBC in Doctor Who magazine
For some reason the Guardian have made an entirely Duran Duran themed crossword puzzle
“Never let it be said that Fats Domino’s record labels didn’t know how to make the most out of a picture”
These Halloween costume ideas will solve all your “I don’t know what to wear” problems
If those Scottish Widows ads actually told the truth
These video game patch notes without any context are unexpectedly hilarious
“When your mom forgets to bring her reading glasses to the bookstore and ends up in a cult”
This Twitter thread comparing Trump to the “parable of the Scorpion and the Frog” has gone viral because it’s… well YOU read it
Introducing @RacistPets – a twitter account that shames racist idiots hiding behind pictures of cute pets
Classic photos of Iggy Pop improved by making him wear a lovely jumper
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