Guardian food critic Jay Rayner comparing eating crab to sex will make you think “poor Mrs Rayner”
This boy is playing the child version of a famous UK comic actor and it’s perfect casting
Four passive aggressive messages left for employees that’ll make you say “this is me”
We regret to inform you that the BBC and the Dave channel are indulging in corporate bants
This clipping from Chat magazine will make you say “imagine a night out with this mental b***tard”
This guy got suspended from Twitter for sexually harassing Tony the Tiger
“I’m not normally good at this DIY stuff, but this one came out just like the one on the box!”
Unfortunate shortening for this programme on the BBC Radio app
This sign asking if people do NOT want to play the recorder is on the money
Bloke posing with Seinfeld DVD in front of his face will make you think “well you can’t do that with streaming media”
Have you ever noticed how twisted the old Richard Scarry books were?
Who knew that it was possible to order nothing from McDonalds and still get charged 99p for your trouble?
Someone has turned their dead family dog into a rug and is selling it because the “new dog keeps trying to hump it”
This chip shop is offering “chips without chips” and it’s making people go ‘wut?’
Wow. This photo caption was written by someone who’d never played Pac-Man
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