The hilarious payoff to this tale of a beloved family pet and an unsolved Christmas ‘mystery’ is today’s best thing
We can all relate to this video of a group of ducks having second thoughts about the snow
If anything can make you appreciate winter, it’s these dogs living their best lives on a homemade snowy ‘racetrack’
Why wouldn’t you want to watch a video of farting cats taken with a thermal imaging camera?
Loki the cat’s cunning food-theft shenanigans simply never grow old
These ‘frozen’ chickens had TikTok scratching its virtual head – and some people cried ‘fowl’
This mother chimpanzee meeting her new baby after two days of medical care will have your eyes leaking like there’s no tomorrow
These vets impersonating their canine patients will have your tail wagging
The look on Muffin the cat’s face after he just got the snip went wildly viral – 22 favourite (and occasionally most relatable) responses
This ‘dog in a spider costume’ prank will forever be wickedly funny
The audience at Sea World got more than they bargained for and entirely what they deserved (wait for it!)
Great plan, poor execution: Corgi burying a stick edition
This conservationist’s ‘jungle hell’ video shows why (almost) nobody would want his job
This poor ostrich being knocked into next week by a hungry deer is pure slapstick comedy gold
Let Casper the singing dog bring a bit of canine joy to your day