29 people who asked for mean comments on the internet… and got them
Pics p.439
20 times Captain Obvious saved our lives
Can you tell the difference between this replica Iron Throne and the real thing?
This guy makes post-it notes that perfectly sum up adulthood
This school has clearly learnt nothing from Boaty McBoatface
This eight-year-old iterary genius is going places
Somebody finally cracked the code
This Twitter account has been giving politicians the subtitles they deserve
What is it about Benedict Cumberbatch’s face that Hollywood won’t use for posters?
There are two kinds of people in this world
A child has given their teacher one of the WORST home-made birthday cards of all time
A Dad learns why cats and technology don’t mix
Tesco are straight to the point about their toilet tissue
This guy will fix problems in your photos for free and the results are simply astonishing
How many people asked before the shop put this sign up?