This story of a fart so bad it cleared an entire courtroom is an epic tale of bodily functions
Popular p.25
This Sgt. Pepper-style cover is a moving tribute to 2019’s departed stars
This scam ‘victim’ played the scammer at their own game and it’s a very satisfying read
A man asked his wife’s best friend for a free portrait and was furious when he only got offered a discount
This guy trying to pay his bill with a drawing of a spider will never grow old
This 19 y/o didn’t understand what ‘black coffee’ meant and his embarrassment is tangible
Simply 23 funny and ferocious comebacks
People are enjoying the long – very long – list of stuff this bride is trying to get for free
Some housemates messaged a neighbour about their dog and the joyous reply went viral
‘Customer’ spends time faking 1-star reviews and is summarily demolished
This woman forgot she’d done an online food shop and it went from bad to worse, much worse
This bride offered to pay for a bridesmaid’s shoes and she went for it, she really went for it
A clever comeback that he should probably have seen coming
Simply 27 ‘dad jokes’ to make your day better
This mum refused to accept she’d texted the wrong number and it’s a furiously funny treat