50 things every child should do before they’re 11 and 3/4
uncategorised p.4
This woman ordered a doormat on Amazon but what turned up was just hilariously crap
This guy has found a sign in a yard telling Pokemon Go players to GO AWAY and it’s so grumpy it’s hilarious
This story about playing Pokemon Go at night and getting stopped by the police is really sweet
Microsoft buys LinkedIn: the only three (funny) tweets you need to read
19 hilariously placed ads that totally undermine the product
So searching for “three black teenagers” gets very different results to “three white teenagers”
A “Vote Leave” poster has been vandalised in Wales
This dad’s “dad joke” about his daughter’s new tattoo has gone viral on Twitter
People are claiming that adding a leather jacket to a chair makes a “DIY Jeremy Clarkson” – but is this true?
These observations from children on how it feels to be 40 are going viral on Twitter
Make your own Shakespearean insult with the “Shakespearean Insult Kit”
Naughty scamps have overrun David Cameron’s #VoteConservative hashtag and it’s hilarious
How this Australian newspaper announced Benedict Cumberbatch’s engagement is hilarious
What would you do if a wrong number texted you? Would you play them along as hilariously as this?