Important questions deserve detailed answers
Looks like this dog has found a portal
Pomeranian fluffball unleashes a cartoon-like sneeze
Three ladies out for a pleasant stroll encounter a troublemaker
Finnish man has a spaghetti eating contest with his dogs
Fans of capybaras farting in bathtubs full of ducks, rejoice!
38 Saint Bernards in a forest might give you a slobbering, dog-based moment of zen
Spot the bear!
This dog version of the Mannequin Challenge might be the best one yet
Dog tries to eat the bone painted on his water bowl
Horrific platypus thought for the day
Watch Ozzy Man’s incredibly sweary review of two cats fighting over some milk
This woman was photobombed by a rat and turned into Rat Woman
Koala gets so excited it runs head-first into a tree
Dog in a car tries to “eat” the rain