Someone hooked up a Big Mouth Billy Bass fish to AI – and now everybody wants one
Artificial Intelligence
14 favourite reactions to this laughably bad A.I. rendering of a Christian’s dream TV show
Someone has trained AI to sing ‘Born Slippy’ in the voice of Homer Simpson and it’s a joy
This person using AI to ‘improve’ art is either spectacularly misjudged or an absolutely top class troll
19 favourite scathing reactions to Rishi Sunak’s planned AI summit with Elon Musk
We didn’t have Boston Dynamics’ Spot the bot dog having ChatGPT ‘personalities’ on our bingo card
The force is strong with this ‘Star Wars 1923’ video
People are a little concerned about this curious method of training robots to play football
This A.I.-generated trailer for Heidi is delightfully weird nightmare fuel
23 favourite funny things people are saying about ‘the rest of the painting’
This guy asked AI to write a ‘Shakespearean’ response to his nitpicking neighbours and it’s fabulous
19 favourite A.I.-themed jokes from Twitter
‘What would you call this bike?’ Our favourite punny answers
These AI generated images of ‘Harry Potter if it were directed by Wes Anderson’ are a total joy
Someone’s made an AI-generated pizza advert that might just put you off your stuffed crust