The satisfaction of totally owning this unreasonable boss is simply tangible
awful bosses
This outrageous boss was given just the response they deserved and it’s today’s most satisfying thing
This company’s outrageous mobile phone policy got just the responses it deserved
This manager’s outrageous lunch break ‘request’ got entirely the responses it deserved
The savage twist in this restaurant’s job vacancy sign is a next-level burn
This boss’s request of an employee they just made redundant got exactly the response they deserved
This boss’s response to a request for an overtime bonus is a proper jaw-dropper
This boss’s U-turn on a new hire’s holiday request got entirely the responses it deserved
This store owner trolling young people’s work attitude got entirely the responses they deserved
A boss told gym staff not to discuss wages and their response was simply brilliant
A boss banned his staff from discussing ‘non-work topics’ – only 5 responses you need
Bad day in the office? Could be worse, you could work here
This firm’s response to a successful staff incentive scheme will have you facepalming into next week
This boss’s fury at a question about paydays got entirely the responses it deserved
These waitresses had the best response after the only guy gets promoted after just 5 weeks in the job