“Alexa, show me the most melodramatic take on Boris Johnson’s downfall”
boris johnson
Kathy Burke had the best (NSFW) response to Boris Johnson quitting as an MP
Boris Johnson has quit as an MP, with effect from about 2 years ago – 33 favourite responses
Rishi Sunak will give Johnson’s Honours ‘list of shame’ the green light – 14 NOs to the left
Australian TV presenters laughing at the UK’s new trade deal is the only review you need
The Covid inquiry sent this Private Eye letter viral again and with good reason
Robotic Rishi Needs More Media Training – Episode 1,376
The Covid Inquiry-Cabinet Office deadlock over Johnson’s WhatsApp messages and diary holds fast – 18 best Twitter takes
Rachel Johnson’s defence of Boris Johnson might not be the slam-dunk she thinks it is
Johnson’s lawyers may have spotted Covid lawbreaking at Chequers in his diaries – 23 best reactions
Matt Green distilled the essence of pure Boris Johnson into this hilarious remake of the Privileges Committee hearing
A Question Time audience gave the thumbs down to Boris Johnson’s Partygate ‘evidence’
If you only watch 36 seconds of Boris Johnson’s Partygate testimony, make it this
The look on the face of Boris Johnson’s lawyer as he gave evidence is quite the watch
Whoever put this Burger King ad on today’s Metro front page deserves all the fries