The instant regret of this dog is very funny and totally adorable
cute and funny animals
This cat using a water cooler is today’s loveliest (and downright impressive) 17 seconds
No matter how funny you think this cat’s response to tasting watermelon is going to be, it’s better
This dog thought he was home alone and his hilarious reaction when he’s caught is just wonderful
This dog likes his stuffed animal friends to join him at dinner and it’s this week’s cutest thing
This chipmunk’s hilarious struggle with the irritating plastic packaging is today’s most relatable thing
This dog’s paw looks uncannily like a mini-version of him and it’s today’s most adorable thing
This super stealthy dog expertly hunting its prey is hilariously adorable
‘Man stops to rescue kitten, gets ambushed by platoon’
This dog scared by its own reflection is today’s funniest 3 seconds
‘This dog is just a bit too intelligent’ is 48 seconds very well spent
This bear cub caught on camera catching snowflakes is a few seconds of pure joy
This all-time great video of two cats talking to each other is very funny and totally adorable
This cat waiting each morning for their daily cartoon fix is today’s cutest, funniest thing
This dog’s reaction to watching an infinite loop of itself on TV is 11 seconds well spent