This cat squeezing itself into a fish bowl is just the 10 seconds of content we needed today
cute and funny animals
This red panda encountering a stone is 14 seconds well spent
This emerging ‘creature of the depths’ is an unexpected treat
This ‘momma cat fixing the bed after her kitten messed it up’ is dropping jaws everywhere
This dog bowing to Simba along with all the other animals is very funny and totally adorable
This smart dog invented a game it can play all by itself and it’s next-level stuff
These dogs caught holding hands (well, paws) is this week’s cutest thing
The way this dog hilariously tries to sneak past the cat is simply magnificent
These dogs getting to choose their Christmas gift is 2 minutes of pure joy
This dog helping out with the housework is making people’s day better
People love the precise moment this cat remembers it’s a cat
This kitten’s surprise mega pounce is definitely worth waiting 8 seconds for
This dog was hilariously caught in the act and it might never be bettered
This supercut of cats chasing the sun is 34 seconds well spent
These dogs getting furious playing ‘catch the carrot’ is 34 seconds very well spent