The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart had the best response to the claim that Trump is a ‘friend of the workers’
donald trump
Donald Trump said green energy means people’s TVs will turn off if there’s no wind, and the internet put him on blast – 15 blows to his ego
Donald Trump says the Dems wanted to rip down Manhattan and rebuild it without windows – because of woke
Donald Trump just died on stage (no, not like that) and it’s the most satisfying 55 seconds you’ll watch today
Donald Trump didn’t win Man of the Year, but this rambling non-answer is a shoo-in for the BS of the Campaign trophy
Donald Trump said he had a ‘very good relationship with President Putin’ and Volodymyr Zelenskyy surely spoke for everyone
Facepalms all round as Donald Trump says other countries want to kill him because he’s bringing back the US furniture trade
Trump’s call for the return of Johnny Carson resurrected some of the late talk show host’s savage Trump jokes
This hilarious ‘teacher’s commentary’ on Donald Trump’s supermarket visit was magnificently done
Donald Trump gave $100 to a supermarket shopper and of all the on-point responses this one shone brightest
One ‘woke’ Kamala Harris supporter debated 20 Donald Trump supporters and these two arguments were especially wild
A glimpse into the mindset of this Donald Trump supporter had people hollering into next week
Donald Trump claimed he can fix the miserable, unsafe, unhealthy lives of American women, and everybody’s irony meters exploded
21 weird items of Donald Trump merchandise to show that the grift is real
Somebody’s released a criminally cringeworthy song about Trump, and the Liar-in-Chief is claiming it’s No.1 on every chart