One Virgin Trains employee has been handling the #PrideMonth haters like a pro
This baby’s laugh is infectious as he finds his dad’s burps hilarious
Read this woman’s extremely formal rejection letter of a dick pic
3 times Facebook’s cheerful automatically-created-videos were a terrible idea
13 painfully stupid Facebook posts that will make you cringe
The Queen checks Facebook for her 90th birthday wishes
Guess which Lincolnshire town resulted in a British band getting censored on Facebook?
On his special day, St. Patrick goes on Facebook and immediately regrets it
What happens when your Facebook account gets hacked by a fortune cookie writer
There’s a Facebook page dedicated to reviewing the shirts worn on Match of the Day
Facebook Reactions explained
The Australian police have had enough of ‘Bill’
Jesus asks God on Facebook about all the new arrivals
People on Facebook are praying for a dog with a slice of ham on its face
Tim Peake posts on Facebook from the ISS