Evil, genius or evil genius?
‘What looks fun in movies but isn’t in real life?’ 21 most relatable responses
‘You will not predict the absolutely bonkers turn this trailer takes 56 seconds in’
Chris Pine’s relatable reaction to Harry Styles’s weird interview answer has gone viral
This Tom Cruise stunt is wild – but the last 5 seconds are flipping amazing
19 things that make people instantly stop watching a film or TV show
Peter Falk’s chat with Kermit in the Great Muppet Caper is word perfect
17 irritating things they keep getting wrong in films and TV
Tom Wilson a.k.a. Biff from Back to the Future has the most hilarious song for handling FAQs
This Titanically bad take got the beautifully sarcastic responses it deserved
17 instantly recognisable lines from iconic films – sort of
The Cat in the Hat works so much better than it should as a horror film
17 annoying things that really ruin a film
Holy crazy titles! 23 hilarious suggestions for what to call The Batman’s sequel
This newspaper from Se7en had some blink-and-you-miss-them funny headlines