Probably the best response this teenager could have come up with after having his phone confiscated
‘What benign lies did your family tell you as a kid?’ – 22 incredibly wholesome little fibs
This complaint about a pizza delivery fail just gets better and better and there will surely be no topping this
People were sharing ‘the incident’ at their school, and this one dug itself straight into the hall of fame …or infamy
The unexpected banana etiquette was funny, but this reaction was even funnier
The hilarious payoff to this tale of entitled drivers getting exactly what they deserve is simply magnificent
‘What’s a compliment you have gotten that you can NEVER forget?’ – 21 niche and highly memorable accolades
Inspirobot’s so-called inspirational messages are so bad they’re good – 15 funny favourites
Ever wondered why it costs more to get your pet groomed than to have your hair cut? Wonder no more
People are selling mirrors on Facebook and the photos reflect how utterly weird human beings can be
These 17 relatable books don’t exist, but we really wish they did
‘When did you realise something obvious to everyone else but you?’ – 21 blindingly obvious facts that people hilariously didn’t see
Simply 5 glorious seconds that show why we still really miss Vine
Holy smoke, it’s Ash Wednesday! 19 favourite reactions to the start of Lent
Need some light relief? You’re in luck. Here are Laurel and Hardy dancing to ‘Billie Jean’