This hilariously shouty Nativity angel is an all-time classic of the ‘kids living their best lives’ genre
funny children
The way this viral bilingual Japanese toddler laughs might just be the pick-me-up you’ve been looking for
This kid turned up at school, dressed for the job he wanted
This six-year-old’s cartwheel to first base sent her wildly viral
“Ballerinas can fart too” – the wildly viral video we didn’t even know we needed
The expression on the faces of these babies is making everyone’s day
A 7-year-old’s NSFW schoolwork proves that anagrams are hard
A little boy’s NSFW (or school) behaviour letter is unintentionally the funniest thing we’ve seen this week
A teacher asked 6-year-olds to invent a new Olympic sport and their suggestions are pure gold
This 4-year-old snowboarder has gone viral because of her brilliant self-commentary
17, weird, funny and surprisingly philosophical quotes from children
This calamitous kiddies’ hurdles race is the gift that keeps on giving
This bridesmaid’s grossed-out reaction to the bride and groom’s kiss is our Funny Pic of the Day