This dog getting nowhere fast on a super shiny floor is 11 seconds well spent
funny dogs
This dog’s reaction to its owner playing dead is rather unexpected
10 seconds of a puppy barking at his own hiccups is enough to give your day a real lift
This dog was having far too much fun in the fountain to let his human get in the way
23 seconds of the Best Performance in a Dramatic Role by a Labrador
Bad day? This golden retriever with a mouth full of cherry tomatoes will put a smile on your face
Why you should always wear a cup when playing baseball with a dog
‘If I fits, I sits’
Watch this adorable dog trick herself into thinking there’s somebody at the door
Fancy seeing a dog ‘do CPR’ at Crufts? Of course you do
This super stealthy dog expertly hunting its prey is hilariously adorable
Almost certainly the best fake hero dog story you’ll ever hear
People love this corgi’s mid-fight comedy timeout for a drink
Working from home with pets – a one-act play
This dog’s reaction to a stinky nappy is totally understandable and very funny