These groomsmen’s unique dance really split the internet
People can’t believe this TikToker fell for a pregnant Thanksgiving turkey prank
Our 25 Favourite Funny Tweets of the Week
The Guy Who Decides the World Cup hits the back of the net
Evil, genius or evil genius?
Told my dad I would give him $100 if he could copy everything I do
25 favourite funny tweets of the week
14 epic fails from the brilliant Poorly Aged Things Twitter account
This medical form applying for a vasectomy is a hilarious dunk on parenthood
A joke review was made even funnier by the people who thought it was real
These 17 very funny book edits from Your Childhood Ruined do what it says on the tin (NSFW)
15 times ‘God Creating Animals’ made Twitter a happier place
Our 25 favourite funny tweets of the week
A classic NSFW Saturday Kitchen gaffe shows why ‘dish’ and ‘Rick’ are a live TV minefield
This unexpected entertainment at an American football game really kicked off