Theresa May prepares for a leadership challenge
Exclusive photo of Theresa May’s first cabinet meeting since the election
10 Lord Buckethead tweets you might have missed
This Facebook event seems very popular
Absolutely, positively, the best election video you’ll see all day
The Conservatives aren’t hanging around…
24 tweets gloriously laughing at Theresa May’s massive own goal in calling an unnecessary election and blowing it
17 most memorable moments of the general election campaign
Your 2017 General Election night schedule
5 coalition facemashes that will forever haunt your dreams
#dogsatpollingstations takes new and unexpected twist
The Daily Mail have rumbled Labour’s latest election strategy
Still can’t decide who to vote for? This will help
Someone sneaked a sweary sign onto Sky News
Tory ‘strong and stable’ election van blows over in wind, says it all