Just a fascinating list of 19 ‘Unfortunate Author Deaths’ for the morbidly curious
These reasons people ended up in an asylum in the 1800s are eye-wateringly bad
15 Old Photos in Real Life showing the passing of time in the most fascinating way
Donald Trump claims the Declaration of Energy Independence was signed in 1776 – the only 5 responses you need
On International Women’s Day, 10 landmark achievements by women from the past century
Who called these ‘Ancient Egyptian absence excuses’ and not ‘pyramid schemes’?
People can’t believe these 19 bizarre historical events actually took place
People have been making their own Bayeux Tapestry scenes – 17 direct hits
Someone gave an anti-vaxxer a History lesson – and it’s a thing of beauty
A Magna Carta for modern Britain
10 Elizabethan Superheroes
Trip Advisor For Time Travellers
The Five Stages Of Inebriation [In 1886]
Blue Plaques For Everyday People
Your Horoscopes 100 Years Ago Today