Somebody asked doctors what we still don’t know about the human body – 21 answers to make your existence even more of a mystery
This doctor’s NSFW what-not-to-do with Christmas decorations safety advice has gone wildly viral
Fancy being the first volunteer to get one of Musk’s brain implants? Neither do these 14 people
Doctors have been sharing tales of patients so lacking in common sense it’s a miracle they’re alive – 17 jaw-droppers
19th-century cough syrup wasn’t messing about
This spectacular takedown of covid deniers is all the sweeter because it uses their own words
Thérèse Coffey’s antibiotic plans and habits are giving people the needle
There’s something a bit crappy about this magnetic slime robot that can retrieve stuff you’ve swallowed
11 favourite responses to the Covid llama pharma drama
A Harvard lecturer said Covid spreaders are the first disease carriers to be blamed for infections – and got schooled
How to organise your first aid supplies
The Human Condition
How to amuse a pharmacist
The inventor of Viagra buys new swimming pool
Out-of-date medicine still effective ‘if you take it quickly’