These eight ‘Magic Key’ books go out to anyone who’s looking after kids this summer holiday
These outrageously entitled parents lost their babysitter and threw their toys out of the pram and got just the response they deserved
23 people shared the ‘sins’ banned by their extremely religious parents and it’s a proper jaw dropper
Sports parents of the world unite – or maybe not
The furious replies to this comedian’s ‘day in the life of a childless woman’ just made the whole thing even better
This hilarious kids’ menu is the most relatable thing parents will see this week
Entitled parents force an umpire to abandon a game and their parting shot is next level laughable
A little bit of digging delivered this anxious mother the response she totally deserved
28 of the funniest tweets about parenthood
Comeback of the day
‘If Parents Followed Through on Empty Threats’ (Don’t try this at home)
Comeback of the day
We’ve finally found the worst possible take on Pokémon cards
‘POV: You’re a Stay At Home Parent’ might be a little too on the nose
This A++ customer service exchange is the most relatable thing parents will see today