Vets have been sharing the ‘stupidest, weirdest’ and sometimes just magnificent pets’ names they’ve ever heard – 23 utterly ridiculous animal monikers
The look on Muffin the cat’s face after he just got the snip went wildly viral – 22 favourite (and occasionally most relatable) responses
This bizarre looking gadget to ‘wash your dog’s paws’ got everyone – literally everyone – thinking the same thing
The tale of this exploding hamster went wildly viral and it’s a salutary lesson for us all
These pet groomers’ hilarious impressions of animals having their nails trimmed had people howling
This dog’s reaction to its owner playing dead is rather unexpected
A wife surprised her husband with a pet dog and what followed was the most fabulous coincidence
It’s no wonder cats sleep all day if they do this all night
This cat snitching on its canine housemate is 10 seconds very well spent
Kitten vs Roomba is the only proof you need that pet cats are related to tigers
This staring contest is 7 seconds of pure cuteness
The difference between dogs and cats in 51 seconds
This hilarious and mortifying NSFW anecdote about a pup’s terrible timing just gets worse and worse
The government avoided ordering a covid cat cull by a whisker – 16 purrfect responses
Just what was causing these cats to be so utterly terrified?