People are making their ‘I’m calling it now’ predictions – These 17 may be onto something …or not
People are sharing the dumbest things they once believed – 17 absolute doozies
“What’s something that’s perfectly legal to do, but you’re still a d*ck for doing it?” – 19 absolute liberties
‘What is the most useless information that you know?’ – 18 nuggets of purest trivia
What’s an ‘unwritten rule’ of life that everyone should know about? – 21 to think about
‘What’s a phrase people say that really annoys you?’ 19 common irritants
‘What’s a fact that could save your life?’ – 19 health and safety tips
What sentence makes the speaker sound like a bit of an idiot? 17 possibilities
‘If you ruled the world, what would be the first thing you would change?’ – 19 subtle ‘improvements’
‘What’s a musical hill you’re willing to die on?’ – 19 proper argument starters
‘What ruined your Christmas?’ 18 absolute turkeys
‘What is the joke that you can’t tell people, because you die of laughter?’ 20 suggestions
‘What is a sentence you could both say during sex and Thanksgiving dinner?’ – 17 delicious servings
‘What’s a random fact you’re just waiting to bust out?’ 21 explosive favourites
19 enormous red flags from actual first dates