‘What is one of the dumbest things a person has said to you?’ 17 of the shortest planks
17 things that are normal in America but strange to other countries
‘If “OK Boomer” was a digital assistant like “OK Google” what sorts of answers would it give?’ 19 highly probable suggestions
‘Who’s the most annoying protagonist in a tv series or movie?’ – 21 fictional irritants
‘What is some “poor people food” that you will eat no matter how wealthy you get?’ – 18 cheap temptations
Which ‘menu language’ grinds your gears the most? – 21 blood boilers
‘What phrase sets your teeth on edge for no reason?’ – 21 nerve-jangling responses
21 things that still work – in a way – when broken
‘Which fictional character do you love but wouldn’t stand in real life?’ – 22 contenders
‘What words have completely lost all meaning?’ – 18 strong suggestions
‘What’s the first sign that a movie is going to be bad?’ 21 dead giveaways
‘What’s something you can say during sex and in a restaurant?’ 19 (NSFW) suggestions
‘What is the best comeback that works against all insults?’ – 20 favourites
22 hobbies that just scream “rich people”
‘What is the biggest design flaw of the human body?’ 18 problem areas