‘What small acts of malice do you really enjoy doing?’ – 25 tiny but funny evils that will brighten your day
‘What common phrase do you hate?’ – 22 saying that give you the ick and live rent free in your head
‘What did your mates have at their houses that seemed fancy AF when you were a kid?’ – 24 things to blow your tiny childish mind
‘What’s the most ‘normal’ thing that feels suspiciously illegal when you do it?’ – 23 innocent acts from people with oddly guilty consciences
‘Why are restaurants increasingly calling their food absurd names?’ – 19 dishes that will have you spitting out your monkey fingers
Village people (not them) have been sharing the most ridiculous thing their parish council ever did – 24 moments of unbelievably small-minded pettiness
‘What’s your low stakes UK conspiracy theory?’ – 23 small but very intriguing and especially British mysteries
‘As a country what are we still the absolute best at, no questions asked?’ – 24 deeply British things that will make you feel strangely proud
Postmen and tradesmen have been sharing the strangest things they’ve seen in people’s houses – 21 uncomfortably close encounters
‘What’s the worst Christmas bonus you have received from work?’ – 21 people who discovered they worked for a real-life Scrooge
‘What’s an American thing you were surprised to find out is actually real?’ – 24 things seen in US film and TV that Brits didn’t believe were true
‘What is, by far, the stupidest decision you’ve ever made?’ – 22 people who can’t believe their own empty-headedness
“What are common tourist mistakes that visitors to the UK make?” – 19 proper holiday ruiners
Someone asked for items under £10 that will instantly enhance your home life and the answers will help you smash this year’s Secret Santa
Someone born in 1998 asked what the UK was like back then and the answers will have you crying out for the return of Robot Wars and £2 pints