‘What makes you go from zero to 100 real quick?’ 18 most relatable things that give people the instant hump
People have been sharing the most bizarre ‘compliments’ they ever received – 20 proper jaw-droppers
People shared the most ‘idiotic things’ they got away with – 14 classic instances of ‘what were you thinking?’
17 people reveal the icks that instantly killed their crush on someone (and quite right too)
People have been sharing the money-saving things they do even though they might be considered well off – 16 thrifty tips
“How much of a ‘snob’ are you?” – 18 snooty confessions
‘What’s an activity you’re sure most people only pretend they like?’ – 18 most relatable fake pleasures
23 favourites from the weird and wonderful r/ShowerThoughts
17 times people were hit with oddly creative insults
17 of the month’s funniest pictures that went viral over on Reddit
‘What’s the most expensive bargain you’ve ever had?’ – 16 false economies
This tale of a man asking for help with his stuck ‘cylinder’ is the greatest Reddit story ever
What’s the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard? Try these 21 for size
Nothing will prepare you for the interior decoration of this ordinary-looking house
People want film makers to stop using these 21 tropes and stereotypes