The reason for Bristol Cathedral’s replacement plaque in honour of ordained women is a real facepalm moment
A bigoted Christian’s complaint about this inclusive car sticker is the ultimate self-burn
The Pope says it’s selfish to have pets instead of kids – 11 biblical takedowns
Facepalm of the day
Comeback of the day
Comeback of the day
This clip of what Stephen Fry would say to God has just gone viral all over again because, well, watch
The ‘miracle’ that happened to this woman is a bit of a stretch
This busy priest doesn’t have time for your long-winded confessions
A Catholic guide to Lenten ashes
Biblical album covers
Imaginary Boss Lets Woman Get Promotion
Google Insight Into The Four Main Religions
Man hoping small piece of tinsel on monitor will appease office Christmas Gods
Darth Vader Quotes Cruel Passages From The Bible