This Irish TV news presenter was taking zero lies from the Russian ambassador and it’s brilliantly done
The BBC’s Lyse Doucet on why it’s Kyiv not Kiev is the only explainer you need for pronouncing Ukraine’s capital
Nigel Farage blamed the EU and NATO for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – only 9 responses you need
Jess Phillips schooled James Cleverly over party funding and the look on his face is 10/10
Russian TV’s blatantly faked clip of Ukrainian ‘aggression’ convinced nobody – 9 sceptical responses
Ian Hislop on the Tory party and Russian oligarchs went viral all over again and it’s never been more important
Liz Truss said footballers should boycott a Russian final and Gary Lineker’s response said it best
Dan Walker took Liz Truss down with her own Instagram and it’s fabulous
The UK’s Russia sanctions didn’t live up to the hype – 23 responses that are stronger than the measures
These 3D portraits of Vladimir Putin are effective and very, very creepy
Remember the fat DiCaprio lookalike? He’s got a TV show and is recreating Titanic in a shopping mall
This napkin is a perfect example of forward planning
What happens when you ignore roadworks in Russia
Not the most graceful attempt at diving you’ve ever seen
Putin’s Lunchbox Episode 2: with Peter Tatchell