Only satire can truly sum up the state of US politics right now
Mark Steel and Shaparak Khorsandi had the perfect takedown of Gregg Wallace’s ‘middle-class women of a certain age’ comment
This satirist’s skit of ‘Facebook moms’ reacting to Wicked completely fooled half the internet
Colin from Portsmouth has an opinion on the farmers’ protests, and it’s as hilariously irate as you’d expect
The Democracy Customer Complaints Department has the perfect smackdown code for people who’d like to return their vote
Michael Spicer hilariously captures the dilemma for any Labour minister who has previously called out Trump in no uncertain terms
Jonathan Pie’s extremely NSFW rant on what went wrong for the US touches a nerve or ten
We don’t know if this hilarious sketch is exactly how world leaders wrote their congratulations to Trump – but it must be close
John Mulaney’s ‘a horse in a hospital’ routine is on people’s minds, for some reason
Haley Joel Osment’s spot-on portrayal of JD Vance in all his cringeworthy glory deserves every award
Colin from Portsmouth has leapt to the furious defence of Elon Musk as only he can – and it’s savagely funny
This TikTok trend satirising rules of etiquette is very demure, very mindful
Trump’s reaction to his campaign’s many failings was ripe for a Downfall makeover – and it works perfectly
Furious Nigel Farage got the Downfall meme treatment – and it’s absolutely essential comedy viewing
This spoof Keir Starmer speech was excellent, but the very serious fact check made it so much better