5 hours of a burning ‘Darth Vader Yule Log’ to curl up in front of this Christmas
star wars
The new Star Wars script has been leaked
Disney is taking Star Wars marketing to a new low
The Daily Star are clearly massive Star Wars fans
These knockoff Star Wars figures are so bad they’re good
An Airbnb for properties in the Star Wars universe
Star Wars fans before and after Phantom Menace screening
‘Darth Trump’ mashes up the Sith Lord with soundbites from the Republican Lord
Obi-Wan died for this shit
Think you’re a Star Wars superfan? This man forced his wife to change her name to Obi-Wan Kenobi!
A much shorter version of Star Wars
Shopping with Stormtroopers
A shot-for-shot micro budget remake of the Force Awakens trailer
This chair sounds like Chewbacca
Star Wars Stormtrooper helmets re-imagined as animals