Talk TV ‘feather ruffler’ Isabel Oakeshott blamed the on-going Heathrow shutdown on ‘working from home’ and was owned into next week
talk tv
A Talk TV presenter’s unfortunate schoolboy error complaining about a lack of poppies on the BBC saw him schooled into next year
Talk TV ‘feather ruffler’ Isabel Oakeshott was shocked to find bins full of rubbish in central London and was owned into next year
This Talk TV exchange between super hard grafting Isabel Oakeshott and Jeremy Kyle will have you hollering into next week
This Northern Irish caller’s tale of a cattle attack (well, maybe) on Talk TV is two minutes very well spent
Furious Jeremy Kyle being forced to eat his own words is a supremely satisfying watch
12 funniest reactions to the former UKIP leader being described as an International Border Control Expert
A phone-in caller’s Irish accent bamboozled presenters and created 2 minutes of comedy gold
This Talk TV viewer is fed up with hotels full of migrants and her solution will have you facepalming into next week
Michael Heseltine shredding these Talk TV Brexiteers is a most satisfying watch
Nadine Dorries’ interview with Boris Johnson is just as hard-hitting as you’d imagine
The Talk TV concrete farmer says kids will get rats for presents because of the postal strike – 17 gift-wrapped takedowns
Watch this self-styled ‘sausage expert’ get egg on his face over a vegan sausage butty
Mike Graham called James O’Brien ‘loser in chief’ and it didn’t end well for the Talk Radio man
Vanessa Feltz’s takedown of this royal biographer’s ‘spiteful’ Meghan Markle comments was brilliantly done