Donald Trump Jr’s swipe at President Biden was a spectacular self-own – 9 scorching takedowns
This Lisa Kudrow clip completely nails the mental gymnastics of Trump loyalists
The 17 funniest things people said about Trump and his tiny table
‘USA v Germany’
Donald Trump said the ‘kidney has a very special place in the heart’ – 13 anatomically correct responses
Trump has named his new bill the FART Act and these 16 comments have really let rip
Everyone’s talking about this image from the G7 meeting in Canada.
13 of the funniest tweets about Trump’s dwindling Nobel Peace Prize hopes
A sinkhole opened up on the White House lawn and these are the 22 funniest tweets about it
12 times Mark Hamill showed he was everything we want him to be
Donald Trump will visit the UK on Friday 13th of July – our favourite 17 responses
Macron owns Trump with the best presidential handshake you’ve seen
The floats for the Düsseldorf Carnival aren’t very subtle…
The new USA edition of “Guess Who?” challenges you to work out who runs America
A Nottingham pub is taking the piss with a Donald Trump urinal