The best reactions to the ‘not a fuel shortage’ fuel shortage and visas for HGV drivers
14 fantastic funny suggestions for proper British TV scheduling
People are airing their thoughts on the UK’s gas crisis – 14 hot takes
The UK’s CO2 supply is about to go pop – 11 favourite reactions
Boris Johnson is making imperial measures official again – and the idea took a pounding
People are buzzing at this American’s first encounter with coin-release shopping trolleys
UK and Ireland among the 5 countries most likely to survive global civilisation collapse – 11 funniest responses
This sketch about visiting England is almost too real – but very funny
The UK has sent the Navy to monitor a fishing dispute between France and Jersey – 17 shots across the bow
This old clip of Brits talking about the metric system will have you facepalming into next week
11 Kent Problems
13 tips for holidaying in Great Britain
Everything to come with a free cuddly toy
Ominous signs that Scotland will leave the UK
The Great British Summer BBQ