Just when this train fan’s timing can’t possibly get any worse, along comes the chef’s kiss
well that sucks
29 highly unfortunate moments shared on r/WellThatSucks
Having a bad day? Could be worse, you could be one of these 28 people
Rubbish April? Never mind, here are 17 people who had a more irritating month than you
Rubbish March? Could have been worse, you could have been one of these 17 people
Surely the saddest (and funniest) journey you’ll watch as your plane is about to take off
Rubbish February? Console yourself that these 17 people probably had a worse month than you
17 people who want to hit rewind and start 2023 again from ‘Well, that sucks’ on Reddit
17 people who absolutely, positively, had a worse December than you
17 people who had it worse than you from ‘Well, that sucks’ on Reddit
Bad day? Could be worse, you could be this biker who suffered the most outrageous injustice
17 people who absolutely, positively had a worse November than you from ‘Well, that sucks’ on Reddit
17 most unfortunate fails to make your day just a little bit better
21 people having a worse 2022 than you (probably) from ‘Well, that sucks’ on Reddit
The long distance fury of the poor guy watching this workplace fail is absolutely tangible