News London Met Police

The Met Police were found to be bad at “preventing crime” and “investigating crime” – 16 adequate responses

It’s fair to say the reputation of the Metropolitan Police is not, erm, great among Londoners after a series of truly shocking scandals over the last few years.

So, when His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) published their latest inspection of the police force, it wasn’t very surprising to see the Met score poorly in some key areas.

People quickly focused on the last columns, where the Met was found to “require improvement” at “preventing crime”, and inadequate at “investigating crime”. Which is pretty damning for an organisation that mostly exists to prevent crime and investigate crime.

It’s quite a drop in scoring from previous reports.

The Met acknowledged the report and committed to further reform.

Still, needless to say, Twitter/X users had their say/fun on the matter.






